Autumn Harvest Tips
This week has really seen the arrival of the ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ here at Agriframes. As the Kitchen Garden produce begins to fade the Autumn harvest begins in earnest with orchard and soft fruits in abundance.
Give Your Trees Some Support
If your apple trees are groaning under the weight of their crop give them a helping hand with a Fruit Branch Support to prevent boughs splitting and breaking, especially in immature trees. A light and practical Harvesting Bag will help you gather the fruit in perfect condition – check whether your particular variety is suitable for storing or is best eaten straight away.
Use A Fruit Tree Arch
Autumn is an ideal time to plant fruit trees and using a Fruit Tree Arch enables you to make maximum use of space whilst creating a productive structure in your garden – delicate blossom in Spring and a surprisingly large crop of fruit at this time of year.
Protect Your Soft Fruits
The soft fruits are also rewarding us well. Using Protective Netting will help to ensure a bumper harvest – we’re getting a whole bowlful a day – great for pies, preserves or in your morning porridge - A Fruit Cage is an ideal solution to protect from pests.
Clearing Up Leaves
The Leaf Picker is the ideal tool for clearing up fallen leaves from lawns and gravel driveways this Autumn.
Make the most of reduced prices during our sale and plan ahead for a fruitful year!