Planning a Spectacular Kitchen Garden Layout
There are few things better than picking the freshest ingredients straight from your own garden and now is the perfect time to plan with the Agriframes Kitchen Garden Range designed to help you create a productive and beautiful kitchen garden to grow your own vegetables, fruit and herbs.
You could grow in a dedicated vegetable garden or plant a traditional ‘potager’ but if you don’t have much space you can mix them in among the flower beds, or even in patio containers.
If you’re already a convert with an established plot it might be that the ‘look’ of your patch could be thought about to transform it into a more visually pleasing area - beautiful as well as productive. Or perhaps you’re keen to try grow your own but not sure how to fit crops into your space while maintaining a polished look.
The trick is to plan what you grow to include plants that both look and taste good and accessorise with Elegance wirework obelisks, cages and cloches that;blend beautifully into your growing space and add an ornamental touch, while being sturdy and practical at the same time. Agriframes supports are made to last with a solid steel construction that’s rust resistant and yet at the same time complements the classic kitchen garden lookwith a subtle Sage Green or Rustic finish.
Most fruit and vegetables prefer an open, sunny spot with as much light as possible but some such as cherries, blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb and blackcurrants will happily tolerate shade.
There are no rules to creating a Kitchen Garden - Grow what you like to eat, and think about how much you need – You can mix vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers in a patchwork of colours and shapes, row in segregated rows or as an ornamental potager reflecting the geometric patterns of historic formal gardens.
Aim for a succession of crops throughout the seasons, with small, successive plantings every couple of weeks for a year-long harvest - Make a list of what you love and incorporate the support and protection they’ll need into your design.
Our Five Favourite Vegetables For Any Kitchen Garden
Climbing Beans
Traditional Runner Beans – ‘Polestar’ is our favourite – or Climbing French Beans such as the white flowered ‘Blue Lake’ will reward you with a constant and delicious supply – harvest regularly and cook straight from the garden for the perfect fresh summer taste. The King Garden Obelisk will happily support 4-6 climbing beans but if you are looking for a bigger crop – perhaps to share with friends – The Elegance Runner Bean Frame will give you plenty of space for more.
Cut and come again varieties are quick to grow and useful for filling gaps after harvesting other crops and Rocket ‘Serrata’ adds a little heat to any salad bowl – a Crop Cage or Hooped Cloche with net will help protect salads and other low growing vegetables from birds and rabbits.
If you're including edibles in your ornamental borders then decorative and delicious salads such as Mizuna will work very well and an attractive Bell Cloche will add a rustic touch as well as deterring pigeons.
Courgettes and Squash
A must for any plot and very prolific - even one plant will provide you with plenty of fruit (yes, they are a fruit!) try ‘Romanesco’, yellow ‘Soleil’ and the pale ‘Bianca di Trieste for the ultimate colourful harvest. If you’re short of space a climbing variety such as ‘Black Forest’ can be grown on a Round Plant Support to give you masses of dark cylindrical courgettes to ring the changes.
Squashes make surprisingly decorative climbing crops and their vivid flowers and dramatic fruit can add interest later in the season - An Elegance Bean Tower will support the heaviest of varieties - 'Crown Prince'has delicious golden flesh and a beautiful blue green skin.
Broad Beans
‘Stereo’ is a sweet and thin skinned variety perfect for salads and the fragrant ‘Crimson Flowered’ is a beautiful addition grown on Pea and Bean Hoops which fills the air with scent - Jute netting give extra support and can be composted at the end of the season.
Plant some extra so that you can enjoy them straight from the pod while you’re working in the garden and grow on Elegance Pea Frame to make the most of your space.

Whatever you choose to grow, always try to include plenty of herbs to add flavour to your cooking and wonderful aroma when you brush past them. Parsley, Thyme, Mint, Marjoram and Chives are all excellent incorporated into a formal design or for edging a path – Border Hoops work well if they need a little extra support.
Soft fruit is a luxury in any garden so it’s well worth considering a blackcurrant bush or some raspberry canes - an attractive Domed Fruit Cage will ensure that you get to eat the fruit before the birds do!
Include companion plants that attract beneficial insects, such as marigolds and daisies. along with nasturtiums to attract blackfly away from crops, and sweet peas for added colour and scent grown on a obelisk for a really spectacular display the dramatic Bean Tower will keep you (and your neighbours!) supplied with a daily bunch of beautiful scented flowers for the table.

There are of course many other easy to grow edibles include tomatoes, potatoes, beetroot, garlic, onions, squash and strawberries, so enjoy planning, growing and harvesting your bounty in a garden that looks as good as it tastes!