Classic British venues - Agriframes at RHS Wisley

RHS Wisley overhead

Agriframes have a long and happy association with the Royal Horticultural Society, having exhibited at shows such as RHS Chelsea and RHS Hampton Court Palace for many years and providing numerous products and structures for professional use in the wonderful RHS gardens across the country.

It’s always exciting to be discussing new projects and RHS Wisley - the flagship 240-acre garden in Surrey - has undergone a huge transformation over the last year, which we’re very proud to have been part of.

Agriframe produts at Wisley

Although the garden was closed to visitors for much of 2020, the Wisley team were able to briefly open the fantastic new Visitor Welcome Building last summer as the first stage in the project.

The airy arrivals hall, shop and plant centre lead out on into a piazza style area featuring a bespoke Agriframes Pergola Walkway alongside the range of café’s and restaurants.

Agriframes at RHW Wisley

There have been major changes in the gardens themselves too; the relocated trials gardens are already being put through their paces with Sweet Pea, Hebe, Dahlia and Nemesia projects in 2021 and June see’s the opening of the UK’s first horticultural scientific centre of excellence in RHS Hilltop – The Home of Gardening Science.  

At this time of year though, one of the favourite spots for visitors is the beautiful formal Cottage Garden - Originally laid out by Penelope Hobhouse in the early 1990s, blending billowing cottage-style plants with a formal layout.

Agriframes products at RS Wisley

The RHS chose to incorporate Agriframes Elegance plant supports in our delicate Bluebell colour way to complement the cherry blossom, lilacs and roses that fill the garden during the spring and summer, as well as to stand out as features in the own right when the formal structure of the garden is revealed during the winter.

Garden Manager, Emma Allen, gives a tour of the lilac varieties in the Cottage Garden here - all that’s missing is the fragrance!


Wisley is glorious, whatever the season and we look forward to showcasing more of our product there when it is fully reopened to visitors in the Summer. 

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